Fulltext results:
- MySQL: Create User @info:mysql:user
- ====== MySQL: Create User ====== ==== Create User ==== <code sql> CREATE USER '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}'; </code> ==== Create User and Database ==== * Usually, ''{use
- MySQL: Remove User @info:mysql:user
- ====== MySQL: Remove User ====== ==== Remove User ==== <code sql> DROP USER '{user}'@'%'; </code> ==== Remove User and Database ==== * Usually, {user} == {db} <code sql> DROP
- MySQL: Change Password @info:mysql:user
- * Replace ''{passwd}'' with the password of the user. * Replace ''{user}'' with the name of the user. <code sql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; </code> Or
- MySQL: Backup @info:mysql:database
- ==== <code bash> # set or replace the variables $USER, $PASS and $DB mysqldump --add-drop-table -u${USER} -p${PASS} ${DB} </code> ===== Export all Databases... ==== <code bash> # set or replace the variables $USER and $PASS DATE_YMD=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") DATABASES=$(mysql --batch -u${USER} -p${PASS} mysql --execute='show databases') for
- Oracle: EXP @info:oracle
- ount ===== Enter the account name insteand of ''{user}''. <code bash> exp USERID=\'/ as sysdba\' FILE={user}.dmp FULL=N OWNER={user} </code> {{tag>admin exp oracle}}
- root login with bash @info:script
- 't login as root, just ''su'' to ''root'' from an user which has the ''root'' role. Also, the ''root'' user has the bourne shell (''/bin/sh''), but working wi
- MySQL: Create Database @info:mysql:database
- code> ==== Create Database and Grant Rights to a User ==== <code sql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{db}`; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{db}` . * TO '{user}'@'%'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- MySQL: Revoke Permissions @info:mysql:permissions
- de sql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{db}` . * FROM '{user}'@'%'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- MySQL: Grant Permissions @info:mysql:permissions
- <code sql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{db}` . * TO '{user}'@'%'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- Git @info:code
- want the changes files between branches, you can user this: git diff --name-status branchA..branchB
- MySQL: View Permissions @info:mysql:permissions
- ==== <code sql> SHOW PRIVILEGES; SHOW GRANTS FOR '{user}'@'%'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- " curl --silent --show-error --insecure --user ${LOGIN} "${UPDATE_URL}?hostname=${domain}" done
- User Administration @info:mysql:user
- ====== User Administration ====== {{indexmenu>.}}
- jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool @info:java
- ommand. ''jps'' lists all ''java'' Processes of a user. You can find the man page at [[http://java.sun.c