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- ZFS Playground
- disks, but they are only files for this demo. <code bash> cd /var/tmp mkfile 200m c0d0 c0d1 c0d2 c1d0 c1d1 c1d2 </code> ===== Create Pool ===== <code bash> pfexec zpool create demo /var/tmp/c0d0 zpool status </code> <code> pool: demo state: ONLINE scrub: none
- OpenSolaris / VirtualBox: Mount Shared Folder
- he file system type ''vboxfs''. The Usage is: <code bash> mount -F vboxfs <share> <mountpoint> </code> If you want to share the filesystem ''/share'' fr... 't exist. You will have to do this only once. <code bash> pfexec mkdir /share </code> Now, mount the share. <code bash> pfexec mount -F vboxfs share /s
- Dice Roller
- ://andunix.net/pub/dice.html]]. And here's the code. You can use it under the [[http://apache.org/lic... bution 3.0 Unported]]. ===== HTML Form ===== <code html> <form name="rolldice" method="GET"> ... ue" type="text" name="r" size="4"/> </form> </code> ===== Javascript Code ===== <code javascript> function roll() { var count = parseInt(document.ro
- Project Idea: WikiTable
- uthorisation and wiki syntax in the table. The code should be small and simple so that it can easily
- Found Geocache GC1VY11 "Ringpromenade"
- 12:36~~ ====== Found Geocache GC1VY11 "Ringpromenade" ====== Yesterday, I visited my first [[http://w