Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- lude external and internal [[doku>images|images, videos and audio files]] with curly brackets. Optional... ectly. | Image | ''gif'', ''jpg'', ''png'' | | Video | ''webm'', ''ogv'', ''mp4'' | | Audio | ''ogg''... a link instead. By adding ''?linkonly'' you provide a link to the media without displaying it inline ... = Unfortunately not all browsers understand all video and audio formats. To mitigate the problem, you
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- suppress the logo [--settingspw <pw>] provide the settings password [--settingspwfile <file>] provide a file containing the settings password ===== C... 03:04.0@02:01.0] [--pcidetach 03:04.0] [--ioapi... |off] [--accelerate2dvideo on|off] [--firmware
- localeadm @info:solaris
- ISOIMG="/share/iso/sol-10-u8-ga-sparc-dvd.iso" LOFIDEV=$(lofiadm -a ${ISOIMG}) echo LOFIDEV=${LOFIDEV} mount -F hsfs ${LOFIDEV} /mnt </code> Note: If you're using the bourne shell (instead of bash or ks
- Welcome to your new DokuWiki @wiki
- tax|syntax page]]. You might also want to use a sidebar. To create it, just edit the [[:sidebar]] page. Everything in that page will be shown in a margin column on the side. Read our [[doku>faq:sidebar|FAQ on sidebars]] to learn more. Please be aware that not all templates
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- }.xml" ${VBOX} -q storagectl "${VM_NAME}" --name "IDE Controller" --add ide ${VBOX} -q createhd --filename "${VM_DIR}/${VM_NAME}.vmdk" --size "${DISK_SIZE}"... VBOX} -q storageattach "${VM_NAME}" --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 1 --type dvddrive -... VBOX} -q storageattach "${VM_NAME}" --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 1 --type dvddrive -
- Dice Roller @blog:2009
- ler in javascript. You enter the number of dice, sides and the offset and press the button “roll”. The ... he bottom, there are some links of six- and eightsided dice, which are often needed in roleplaying game... dice.html?n=3&s=8&o=5]] for a 3d8+5 (three eight-sided dice plus five). The dice roller is at [[http:/... unt = parseInt(document.rolldice.n.value); var sides = parseInt(document.rolldice.s.value); var off
- Hello Drupal @blog:2010
- ~ ====== Hello Drupal ====== Some time ago, I decided to migrate my blog from [[http://www.dokuwiki.or... into Drupal, Joomla and Silverstripe, and then decided to go with Drupal. One very interesting part of... of the CCK shows in the Blogroll channel in the sidebar. I set up a "Friend" content type and gave it ... rendes the list of friends as a nice list in the sidebar. The credits for this solution go to [[http://
- MySQL: Create User @info:mysql:user
- te User ==== <code sql> CREATE USER '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}'; </code> ==== Create User a... == ''{db}'' <code sql> CREATE USER '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}'; GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOU... f8'; GRANT ALL ON `dbname`.* TO 'dbuser'@'dbhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dbpass'; </code> {{tag>admin database
- ReLAX @blog:2009
- , unfortunately, it doesn't fit my needs. So I decided to take some of the concepts of LAX and build my... cepts of LAX and ReLAX: * The most fascinating idea is the building of an API with shell-scripts. I ... s an LDAP server to store the configuration. I decided to allow any server which can be read by ''curl'
- Home Server Goals @blog:2010
- list of services, which my home server should provide: * **Personal Video Recorder**: I'm using the EyeTV Hard- and Software from Elgato to record, cut a... a Server**: I want to store my MP3 files and the videos from the above PVR to be stored an be served to
- video @tag
- ====== video ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>video&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/video}}
- idea @tag
- ====== idea ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>idea&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/idea}}
- guide @tag
- ====== guide ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>guide&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/guide}}
- Cryptography @info:cryptography
- ====== Cryptography ====== This guide tries to easily describe the terms used in cryptography. As all ... yself, but I'm happy if someone else finds it helpful too. {{indexmenu>.}} {{tag>cryptography guide}}
- Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts @info:script
- re always installed are not listed. ===== Audio/Video ===== * cdda2wav * cdrecord * cdrdao * ... * nmap * rsync ===== System ===== {{tag>script scripting cli tool sysadmin audio video network}}