Fulltext results:
- Travian Map Download Script @z:travian
- ===== Travian Map Download Script ====== This is my script(s) which I use to downoad the map.sql from... sfish/domains/domain1/docroot/sql # # executables MYSQL="/srv/mysql/bin/mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u${DB_USER} -p${DB_PASS} ${DB_INST}" MYSQLDUMP="/srv/mysql
- Home Server Goals @blog:2010
- ps|suggested]], here is a list of services, which my home server should provide: * **Personal Video... casts. * **Secure File Archive/Backup**: I want my digital camera photos and other precious files to... cksums. * **A/V Media Server**: I want to store my MP3 files and the videos from the above PVR to be... run web application at home. Usually, I'm hosting my webapps at Host Europe, but there are some apps w
- MySQL: Backup @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Backup ====== ===== Export a Database ===== <code bash> # set or replace the variables $USER, $PASS and $DB mysqldump --add-drop-table -u${USER} -p${PASS} ${DB}... nd $PASS DATE_YMD=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") DATABASES=$(mysql --batch -u${USER} -p${PASS} mysql --execute='show databases') for db in ${DATABASES} do mysqld
- init @info:linux:debian
- init Scripts ===== To activate an init script ("myscript"): update-rc.d myscript enable To deactivate an init script ("myscript"): update-rc.d myscript remove Further information can be found at [[http://wiki.debian.org
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- tapost mirc mk-61 mmix modula2 modula3 mpasm mxml mysql nagios netrexx newlisp nginx nimrod nsis obero... after language code like this: <code> <file php myexample.php> <?php echo "hello world!"; ?> </file> </code> <file php myexample.php> <?php echo "hello world!"; ?> </file>... a dash (''-'') as the language code: ''%%<code - myfile.foo>%%''. ===== Embedding HTML and PHP ====
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- ====== DynDNS Updates without a Client ====== My new hosting provide Strato offers DynDNS. I was searching for a DynDNS client for my OpenSolaris Home Server, but a small bash script ... et you know in an update. This script is part of my scripts collection, so you can find the latest ve
- mysql @tag
- ====== mysql ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>mysql&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/mysql}}
- Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts @info:script
- ====== Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts ====== This is a list of comman dline tools which I use in my scripts an which should be installed on every of my systems. Basic tools (e.g. awk, find, grep, ps) w
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone) @blog:2010
- Solaris Container (Zone) ====== Last week one of my servers ran out of RAM and Swap. Shame on me for ... t's now. As the server is running several zones, my first question was: Which zone is eating up my RAM? So, here are the commands I used. ===== Part 1:
- MySQL: Change Password @info:mysql:user
- ====== MySQL: Change Password ====== * Replace ''{passwd}'' with the password of the user. * Repl... ternatively use the following: <code sql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('{passwd}') WHERE User='{user}'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql password sql}}
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- Ti/igBkLzX3Q+5K05IdwVpr95XMLHo+xoD9jxbUx6hAUlocnPWMytDqTcy Ug+uJ1YxMGCtyb1zLDnukNh1sCUhYHsqfwL9goUfdE+SNHNcHQCgsMDqmOK+ARRY FygiinddUCXNmmym5QzlqyjDsiCJ8AckHpXCLsDl6ez2PRIHSD3SwyNWQezT3zVL
- MySQL: Grant Permissions @info:mysql:permissions
- ====== MySQL: Grant Permissions ====== ==== Grant Permissions ==== <code sql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{db}` . * TO '{user}'@'%'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- MySQL: Revoke Permissions @info:mysql:permissions
- ====== MySQL: Revoke Permissions ====== ==== Revoke Permissions ==== <code sql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{db}` . * FROM '{user}'@'%'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- MySQL: Create User @info:mysql:user
- ====== MySQL: Create User ====== ==== Create User ==== <code sql> CREATE USER '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIE... L ON `dbname`.* TO 'dbuser'@'dbhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dbpass'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- MySQL: Remove Database @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Remove Database ====== ==== Remove Database ==== <code sql> DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `{db}`; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}